What happened within the family during our pregnancy?
How were our parents emotionally just before and during our conception?
What happened before and during our pregnancy can greatly determine our life.
For Psychogenealogy, the conception of a child does not happen by chance, but is connected to the demands of invisible family loyalty.
A son is not expected, conceived and generated by himself, but to obey the dreams, desires or debts of his parents or his family clan.
On the child, parents project many expectations, inexpressive desires, unfulfilled dreams or secretly transfer repairing missions received from their ancestors.
The child, already at its conception, receives many burdens of compensation from the family destiny.
The unconscious programming received from the clan, together with external influences (positive and negative emotional stimuli) from the gestation period and the birth conditions, constitute the most potent conditioning received from the family and is called GESTATIONAL SENSE PROJECT – projet-sens in french and progetto sensu in italian.
Who first spoke about this concept was a French psychologist named Marc Frechét.
He narrated that he was conceived because his parents needed a pregnancy. Her mother was at risk of going to prison and if she was pregnant the police could have more leniency and get her out of jail.
However, even pregnant, she was convicted and arrested.
So he started his prison life.
When his mother was finally released, he had only a few months to live.
The thing is, your mother didn't want to have children.
He only had to get out of prison.
And she was a very hostile mother, and she didn't mind him.
He felt very alone.
The whole project it was conceived for, which was to free his mother from prison, failed.
Thus, he felt that, because he had failed, he did not belong or deserved to belong to his family system...
Later, when he graduated in Psychology, he worked a lot with women and with the liberation of their “prisons”, as he had been programmed for that…
Program means written in advance and
indicates the intentions by which they are intended to be acted upon.
Sometimes, as in the case of the gestational sense project, our ancestors act within a genealogical program through, for example, a name or family beliefs. Such a program is created spontaneously, after one or more traumas and certain descendants are chosen to heal these wounds. In most cases, however, repair attempts remain unconscious, fail and consolidate through a repetition of the problem.
Another gestational sense project that we can often observe is the following:
When an ancestor dies, there is the conception of a future baby in the family. This case simply points to an attempt to carry on with the life process and to compensate for the imbalance of vital forces. The baby's identity may now be linked to that of the deceased ancestor. The baby may, for example, have the duty to replace him, this possibility increases even more if the baby is of the same sex and has the same name as the ascendant.
The effect of the gestational sense project on the course of life
We bring within us, unconsciously, the projects and programming of the functions of our family history. These inner programs appear at a specific age or also in situations that activate the original imposition. Again, everything happens completely unconsciously. Knowing these projects and programs allows us to anticipate them and deactivate them if they are harmful or harmful to the development of those who own them.
It is rare that a baby is born just for the joy of being born. On most occasions, adults conceive it according to their own needs.
The desire of an adult, that is, of an individual who lives and is enjoying his own life, therefore ready to let the conceived child be born, grow and leave, is a rare case.
We must also specify this: behind the conception there is always a desire. That is, a baby conceived by chance simply does not exist. The desire may not be conscious, but there is an unconscious family program.
The awareness of the gestational sense project and the decoding of the missions received from the clan, brings a change in personal life. The subject discovers new ways of expressing the energetic potential received from family inheritance and learns to compensate for unhappy choices and destiny no longer with sacrifice, but with personal fulfillment and the construction of their own well-being.
By: Jaqueline Cássia de Oliveira Source: Teaching material - Systemic Psychogenealogy The family romance told by the genogram Systemic Interaction Editions