Psychotherapy and Courses
Jaqueline Cássia OliveiraJaqueline Cássia OliveiraJaqueline Cássia Oliveira

Author: Jaqueline C. Oliveira

What is the meaning of life?

  Eta vida besta meu Deus! (Carlos Drummond de Andrade) Assim como Drummond, também acho que a Vida por si só, não tem sentido algum. Somos nós que damos sentido à Vida! A Vida  oferece oportunidades, mas pede disposição. E então a gente dá (ou não) um sentido para ela. …
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the thread of life

The word thread comes from the Latin filum, which also gives rise to the word queue. As I entered the queue of Life, I followed those who were in front of me and who organized my loom of Life: my parents, my masters… They gave me the thread! Without knowing…
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The word matrioska has a connection with the Latin word mater. Matrioska is a Russian word used as a diminutive of the name matron, as the head of the family in a matriarchal society. As well as with the Latin word “matrix” or “matrix” which means mother, uterus. Matrix, therefore, implies…
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adults and adulterated

"Prá quê cara feia? Na vida ninguém paga meia." Leminsky ADULTO É DIFERENTE DE “ADULTERADO” Existe o adulto adulto e o adulto dissimulado: “adulterado”. Adulto é aquela pessoa que está identificada com o “pagar inteira” na vida. O adulto não queixa porque tem competência e paciência para administrar as dificuldades.…
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How old are you?

"I tell you, from what I've lived: the most difficult thing is not being good and acting honestly; what is difficult, even, is a definite knowledge of what you want, and having the power to go to the end of the word." (JGRosa) 1st. AGE – CHRONOLOGICAL: measured from your date of birth.…
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Reality and Life

Why do we have such a hard time tolerating the REAL? Because the REAL has two sides and as we are “disconnected” to see both sides, we are left with only one side: the ILLUSION. ILLUSION is seeing only one side and saying that it is the WHOLE. But life goes along with…
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The laziness

Are human beings lazy by nature? PREGUIÇA É: is a feminine noun originating from the Latin term 'pigritia'; according to dictionaries, laziness can mean anything from a lack of willingness to perform a certain task, to a kind of aversion to work; it is also related to negligence, indolence, laziness,…
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